Sunday, 3 June 2012

Jubilee Celebrations...rain does not have to be a pain!!

So much to see on the forest floor
The week of celebrations, fun and frolics has arrived....we started it off with a crackin birthday party in the woods on Friday afternoon, after school.....I think it was a good way for the children to end school and start the holidays....there was a lot of energy used charging around the woods, although not sure they were tired went they went home, somehow they found more energy in the fresh air!! Even Sam had tired legs at the end and he NEVER gets tired!!

The joys of laughter!
There are many celebrations this weekend in the area and i hope that they are all successful and fun. I was thinking about the rain & have heard a few grumbles that it may spoil the about we try to use the rain in a positive way?! How can it be incorporated into the our local event we have an activity we can only do when its raining...just in case!! After all the rain is a regular feature in England and we should not be surprised if we have some rainy showers during our be prepared and embrace it!!

The week we have planned it quite a full on with lots of celebrations, woodland adventures, woodland parties, playschemes and tea parties!

A birthday treat in the woods!
There are still spaces available on Thursday for the WOODLAND PLAYSCHEME for those over 8 who wnat to come and engage in some wild play, quiet play, energetic play, comtemplative play, creative play and loud play!

The DIAMOND HATTERS TEA PARTY plans are coming along nicely, this is the only event i am little mindful of the weather, as there are quite a little children coming...not that they can't get wet, just different elements to be mindful of! Plus there is a lot of borrowed equipment that will be out in the elements hung up in trees and i can not return wet or ruined kit to am keeping a close on the weather for that one!

More to explore
I know its a toad not a frog!
I tried for this holiday putting flyers in some school BOOK BAGS this seems to have been a success. I went to four schools, two in Taunton, and one either side of the Quantock Hills. I will be doing this again (as long as the schools are happy for me to do so!) so if you would like your school to have a book bag flyer every term to include events going on in the woods, please contact me (Louise) so i can arrange for you.

Finally, I have embraced something i do not is called "eating that frog"!! Essentially it is doing something you are not keen on....I have set up an online newsletter through Mail Chimp, so if you are on the mailing list i am hoping to be able to a more modern and easy to read newsletter to you monthly to your inbox! Again if you would like to sign up let me know and i can add your details!!

Hanging out in the tree, on the tree and round the tree!

Just enjoy....the peace & natures beauty

Enjoy the week of celebrations, spalshing in the puddles...perhaps you may see a diamond reflection in the puddle!

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